Patient Information

New Patients

To register with the practice please ask your previous practice for your NHS number and bring this with you. You will be asked to complete a registration form for each person registering with the Practice.

In addition, all patients will be asked to complete a new patient questionnaire, allowing us to provide medical care in the interim period, while your medical records are transferred form your old practice to this one. Please bring your repeat prescription from your previous practice and also forms of identification and confirmation of your address i.e. passport driving licence utility bill.

If you move out of the practice area you will need to register with a new practice as soon as you move.

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

You will be treated with respect and as a partner in your care. Being a partner means you will have responsibilities too.

The Practice will:

  1. Ensure our patients have 24-hour access to medical advice
  2. Aim for you to have access to a suitably qualified medical professional within 48 hours of your initial contact during surgery hours, or in an urgent case on the same day
  3. Work in partnership with you to achieve the best medical care possible
  4. Involve you and listen to your opinions and views in all aspects of your medical care
  5. The prevention of disease, illness and injury is a primary concern. The medical staff will advise and inform you of the steps you can take to promote good health and a healthy lifestyle.

The Practice would respectfully ask that you:

  1. Let us know if you intend to cancel an appointment or are running late
  2. Treat staff with courtesy and respect. (Reception staff may have to ask some personal questions to assist us in providing you with the best service.)
  3. Inform the practice staff of any alterations in your circumstances, such as change of surname, address or telephone number. Please ensure that we have your correct telephone number, even if it’s ex-directory.

As patients, you are responsible for your own health and that of any dependents. It is important that you adhere to information and advice given to you by health professionals, and co-operate with the practice in endeavouring to keep you healthy.

Confidentiality/Information sharing

The practice complies with Data Protection and Access to Medical Records legislation. Identifiable information about you will be shared with others in the following circumstances:

  • To provide further medical treatment for you (e.g. from district nurses and hospital services)
  • To help you get other services (e.g. from the social work department, this requires your consent)
  • When we have a duty to others (e.g. in child protection cases)

Anonymised patient information will also be used at local and national level to help the Local Health Board and Government plan services (e.g. for diabetic care). If you do not wish anonymous information about you to be used in such a way, please let us know.

The 1998 Data Protection Act allows you to find out what information is being held on computer and in hard copy format. This is known as “right of access”, and it applies to all your health records. For information regarding the use of your information or access to your medical records please ask at the main reception for the leaflet “Your information, your rights” published by NHS Wales.

Please see Freedom of Information for more details.


The practice will not tolerate any violent or abusive behaviour from patients towards any member of staff or personnel on the premises. The consequences will be removal from the practice list.

Violent and Abusive Patients (Zero Tolerance Policy)

The practice considers aggressive behaviour to be any personal, abusive and/or aggressive comments, cursing and/or swearing, physical contact and/or aggressive gestures.

The practice will request the removal of any patient from the practice list who damages property or who is aggressive or abusive towards a doctor, member of staff or other patient(s).

All instances of actual physical abuse on any doctor or member of staff, by a patient or their relatives will be reported to the police as an assault.

Suggestions & Complaints

Both the Doctors and staff are here to help you in any way possible and can usually solve any of your queries or questions. If, however you have a suggestion or complaint to make, please ask to speak to the practice manager (Mrs Bethan Dewdney), who will be pleased to discuss the matter with you.

If you have any queries, please ask any of the Receptionists, Nurses or Doctors for advice.

Private Fees

Please see separate page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see separate page.

Preference of Practitioner

Patients are registered with Dr J P Walters and Dr K Yanez. The practice will endeavour to do its best to respect your choice. However, not all the doctors in the practice provide all services and specific doctors may not be immediately available. You will not be able to choose which doctor to see if you need a same day emergency appointment.

Subject Access Request

We will ask you to sign a consent form to release copy of records, medical reports etc to third parties (ie, solicitors, DVLA, DWP, etc).