There is currently 2 partners working at Penygraig Surgery.
The following doctors work full-time:
- Dr James Walters (MBBS, MRCGP)
- Dr Kyle Yanez (MBBS, MRCGP)
The following doctors work part-time:
- Dr Haroon Ahmed (MBBS, MRCGP)
- Dr Reshma Roberts
- Dr Steven Lewis
Other Doctors
From time to time locum doctors may provide cover for sickness or annual leave.
Administrative staff
There are five administrative staff members at the surgery who will assist in every way possible. They will make appointments, issue repeat prescriptions, book patients in for appointments (when they arrive at the surgery), be the patients’ links with the doctor and always try to help in any way possible. If you have any difficulties, please discuss them with our practice manager.
The staff include:
- Mrs Bethan Dewdney - Practice Manager
Medical Secretary
- Mrs Carol Sayce
- Mrs Laurie Heycock (Senior)
- Ms Wendy Morris
- Ms Adele Jones
- Ms Lyndsey Pool
Treatment Room Staff/Practice Nurses
Treatment room staff are:
- Sister Mandy Rees (RGN) - Practice Nurse
- Sister Susan Privett (RGN) - Practice Nurse
- Mrs Alison Oakley - Health Care Assistant
- Ms Claire Dewdney - Health Care Support Worker
The Practice Nurses are available every day. They are also greatly involved with the various clinics.
District Nurses will visit people at home who are severely ill, housebound or disabled and are not able to come to the surgery to receive appropriate medical care. The District Nurses can be contacted on 01443 683496. There is also an answering service available.
Please note that although they provide this service to our patients, they are not employed by Penygraig Surgery but are employed by the Local Health Board. Those patients needing treatment/nursing care who are mobile can be seen in surgery by the Practice Nurses who liase with the District Nurses.
Health Visitors
The Health Visitors are:
- Mrs Marion Kerslake
The Health Visitors are based at Tonypandy Health Centre/Carnegie Clinic and are able to give advice on aspects of child health and health promotion. You can contact your Health Visitor directly by telephoning 01443 423799 or 01443 443443 ext 2383.
Doctor’s Working Patterns
Dr James Walters |
Monday Available |
Available |
Morning Only |
Morning only |
Dr Kyle Yanez |
Morning Only |
Available |
Available | Morning Only | Morning Only |
Dr Haroon Ahmed |
Available | ||||