Repeat Prescriptions

What is a Repeat Prescription?

Some prescriptions are authorised by your doctor as a repeat. This means that you can obtain further prescriptions without having to see the doctor first. These are called repeat prescriptions.

Prescriptions obtained for acute illnesses in the past are not repeat prescriptions. You can tell if you have an authorised repeat prescription because the details will be printed on a white tear off page attached to your prescription. This will specify the medication that is on repeat, the date you last had a repeat for a particular medication and, most importantly, the date by which you will need to see your doctor for the medication to be reviewed.

Most repeat prescriptions are issued for no more than one month’s treatment at a time.

Ordering Repeat Presctiptions

Repeat prescriptions for regular medicines (started by your doctor) can be obtained without needing to see the doctor again. Requests for repeat medication can be made via the ‘request slip’ attached to your previous prescription in three ways:

  1. Tick the medication required on the repeat prescription form (white part of the prescription) and leave at reception/place in the prescription letter box at the reception desk
  2. Tick the medication required on the repeat prescription form (white part of the prescription) and post your request to the surgery (with a stamped address envelope if you wish the prescription returned to you)
  3. Use a local chemist delivery service

It takes a minimum of 72 hours to generate a repeat prescription, so requests should be made with this in mind. Repeat medication cannot be requested by telephone for safety reasons (as mistakes are often made in the dose or type of medication given).

Prescriptions can be collected during surgery hours. Appointments should not be made with doctors or nurses to obtain more repeat medications (unless your prescription says you need a review with the doctor).

All patients will have their repeat medication reviewed annually by a doctor.

Reviewing Repeat Medications

Repeat prescriptions are reviewed at intervals by the authorising doctor (usually at least once a year). The date on which your authorisation expires is printed at the bottom of the form. If this date is in the near future or has already passed then please book an appointment with your usual doctor for review.

If you cannot get in before your review is due then do not panic.

When the review date is near, or has passed, the doctors often review your medications anyway. If they feel that you do not need to make an appointment then they will re-authorise your medication. So keep an eye on that date at the bottom of the form and always use the most recent copy when ordering your medications.