
The surgery offers the following clinics to provide support and follow-up in addition to normal appointments. Most clinics are appointment-only and have to be arranged at the reception desk or by phone.

Appointment only Clinics

Name of Clinic Date & Time Staff Member Appointment Needed
Asthma Clinic Various days Nurse Yes
Baby Clinic Every Tuesday afternoon between 12.30 - 2.30pm Doctor practice nurse and Health Visitor Yes
Cervical Cytology (smears) Various days between 1pm and 2:30pm Nurse Yes
COPD Clinic Every Monday and Tuesday from 1:30pm Health Care Support Worker and practice nurse Yes
Diabetic Clinic Every Wednesday 9:00am - 12:30pm and Nurse/HCSW Yes
Flu & Pneumonia Vaccinations Flu injections starts in September 2019 Nurse/HCSW No
High Blood Pressure Clinic Every day HCSW Yes
INR Clinic Tuesday mornings Nurse Yes
Travel Clinic Various days from 11:30amHoliday advice/injections Nurse Yes
Minor Surgery Monthly on a thursday, appointments made by Dr Walters Dr Walters Yes
Family Planning Clinic Wednesday evening Nurse Yes
Minor treatments Every day (includes dressings, suture removal, etc.) Nurse/HCSW Yes

There is also a free scheme called The Common Ailment Scheme run by the Pharmacist in participating chemist.

Your pharmacy may be able to help with:

  • mild skin conditions, such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, impetigo, athlete’s foot
  • coughs and colds, including blocked nose (nasal congestion), and sore throats
  • bruises, sunburn, and minor burns and scalds
  • constipation and piles (haemorrhoids)
  • hay fever, dry eyes and allergies (including rashes, bites and stings)
  • aches and pains, including earache, headache, migraine, back pain and toothache
  • vomiting, heartburn, indigestion, diarrhoea and threadworms
  • period pain, thrush and cystitis
  • head lice (nits)
  • conjunctivitis, cold sores and mouth ulcers
  • warts and verrucas
  • nappy rash and teething

Visiting your pharmacy about common health problems frees up time for GPs and A&E departments, which are already stretched, especially during the winter months.

  • Chronic Disease Management Clinics - Patients will be seen on various days by the Healthcare Assistant and Practice Nurses. CDM will include patients with Diabetes, Heart problems, Asthma, Hypertension