FLU status 2020/21 season

Flu Eligibility - If you are:-

65 or over (You’re eligible for the flu vaccine this year (2020 to 2021) if you’ll be aged 65 or over on 31 March 2021. That is, you were born on or before 31 March 2024). So, if you’re currently 64 but will be 65 by 31 March 2021, you do qualify for flu vaccination this year.

We are starting flu injection by appointment on Monday 28th September 2020. Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, we will be doing our flu injections outside this year – either in your car or outside the old chemist door (Weather permitting). Nearer the date you will receive a text message to give you a date and time for your appointment. Please make sure we have your correct mobile number.

Under 65 at risk – with serious long-term health conditions including: chronic (long-term) respiratory diseases, such as asthma (that requires an inhaled or tablet steroid treatment, or has led to hospital admission in the past), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema or bronchitis, chronic heart disease, such as heart failure, chronic kidney disease, chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis, chronic neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), or cerebral palsy, a learning disability, diabetes, problems with your spleen – for example, sickle cell disease or if you have had your spleen removed, a weakened immune system as the result of conditions such as HIV and AIDS, or medicines such as steroid tablets or, chemotherapy, being seriously overweight (a BMI of 40 or above). Pregnant women, if you receive a carer’s allowance, or you’re the main carer for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if you fall ill, or/and live with someone who’s at high risk of coronavirus (on the NHS shielded patient list) or you expect to be with them on most days over winter

We are starting flu injection by appointment on Monday 5th October 2020. Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, we will be doing our flu injections outside this year – either in your car or outside the old chemist door (Weather permitting). Nearer the date you will receive a text message to give you a date and time for your appointment. Please make sure we have your correct mobile number.

Later in the year, the Welsh Government suggests we may give the flu vaccine to 50-64-year-olds. More information will be available later in the autumn. However, if you are aged 50-64 in an at-risk group, you should not delay having your flu vaccine.

Frontline health and social care workers are also eligible to receive the flu vaccine. It’s your employer’s responsibility to arrange and pay for this vaccine.